Park Ranger Beary

Ranger Beary's family has been around Sugarbeary Park before its conception. It's been rumored that the park has been named after them and that in some way Ranger Beary owns part of the land. He lives in a cabin set in the woods outside the camping grounds. It is believed that his cabin was there before the park as well. Ranger Beary is very friendly and helps with tours and upkeep of the park. He is usually seen with his cat Bubbles. If there is any issue with any of the animals he is the one to take care of it.
Why Weasel

Why Weasel seems to be everywhere although the area he frequents most is Sugar Hills and that is where it is believed he lives. Why Weasel seems to be the most noticeable of the different animals and is said to keep some of the other animals in line. Park Ranger Beary is always commenting on how wise he is.
Birdy Bird

Birdy Bird lives deep in the Sugarpatch Forest but is seen flying throughout the park. He is unmistakable because there is no other bird with the same markings and unique purple shading. Bigger than most of the other birds, he frequents the sky and the ground mixing with all the different animals. As far as we can tell, he doesn't leave the park area. Birdy Bird does scare easily, so if you come across him, try not to make any startling movements.
My Rabbit

My Rabbit lives in the hills of the Sugar Hills. She has been seen as far as the the Wildbeary River near the waterfalls. She does seem a little skidish near people but seems to be very friendly with most of the birds.
Sly Snake

Sly Snake stays by the Wildbeary River closest to the Stone Ridge Waterfall. He seems to be fearless and scares campers from time to time. He has also been seen chasing bigger animals away from the waterfall.
Bubbles the Cat

Bubbles the Cat is Park Ranger Beary's fearless companion. Although Bubbles is domesticated, some speculate that she has some wild cat in her. Bubbles likes people and the wildlife. When she is not with Ranger Beary she has been seen hanging out with Why Weasel, Birdy Bird, My Rabbit, and even Sly Snake. Bubbles lives with Ranger Beary in their cabin in the woods near the campgrounds.
Goldie Bird

Goldie Bird usually can be seen with Cherry Bird. These two seem to go everywhere together. Goldie Bird flies around the campground and likes to stay close to Ranger Beary's cabin. Goldie Bird is very friendly and is not afraid to come up to campers to beg for food. We must ask you to not feed any of the animals and/or disturb the natural balance in the park.
Cherry Bird

Although Cherry Bird gets along with most birds, Goldie Bird seems to be her favorite. We believe that they live in the same area near the Sugarpatch Campgrounds. These birds are a staple in the park and if you are going to camp, it's more than likely that you will see them flying about.

Cupcake lives in the Sugarpatch Forest along with many other birds. She likes to fly up and down the river bathing herself along the way. Cupcake mainly stays with a group of other birds called The Yellow Birds.
Blue Tail

Blue Tail flies with a group of birds that look very similar. She stands out because she is the one who is always leading the other birds. You can see Blue Tail and the other yellow birds throughout the park. They have even been seen miles from the park in suburban areas.

Jelly Bird is only spotted a few times a year. Her markings are unique for the type of bird she is. Most of the birds she is related to are yellow. Jelly tends to do her own thing and flies in a group occasionally.